Campus&Co. Pay Gift Card
Terms & Conditions

References to "You" or" Your" in these terms and conditions are to the purchaser and/ or recipient and/or user of the Campus&Co. Gift Card.

References to "We", "Us", "Our", in these terms and conditions are to Campus&Co.

Both physical Gift Cards and virtual Gift Cards are issued and provided to You by Campus&Co.  Virtual Gift Cards will be made available to You in electronic form.  You can access and start using Your Gift Card on Our website on the following link: (“Our Website”).  In these terms and conditions, unless stated otherwise, the term “Gift Card” shall be a reference to both physical and virtual Gift Cards.

A separate contract is created between You and Us on these terms and conditions for each Gift Card You hold.

Purchasing, registering or using a Gift Card means that You accept these terms and conditions.  If You let another person, use Your Gift Card, or if you are purchasing a Gift Card for someone else, You must tell them that the use of the Gift Card is subject to these terms and conditions which they can access on Our Website.  For the avoidance of doubt, where You let another person use Your Gift Card, You remain liable for all your rights and obligations under these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions apply to:

-    Virtual Gift Cards purchased on Our Website; or
-    Physical Gift Cards collected from any of Our Participating Superstores in New Zealand (“Superstore”); and
-    Gift Cards that are topped up and or activated on Our Website.

These terms and conditions are governed by New Zealand law.

We may, in Our complete discretion, refuse to sell Gift Cards to any person at any time for any reason.

  1. Gift Cards are redeemable at any of Our physical Superstores in New Zealand.  The bearer of the Gift Card may therefore use the Gift Card to make purchases of goods and/or services in-store only at a Superstore in New Zealand.  Goods and services cannot be purchased online at this time, however, this may be a feature that is available at a later time, and You will be notified of this at the relevant time.  The Gift Card must not be used for any other purpose.

  2. Physical Gift Cards can be collected at a Superstore.  Once collected, You must go to Our Website where You will need to accept these terms and conditions and follow the instructions on-screen to register and top-up the physical Gift Card with the desired amount.  Once You have provided the required details, and the physical Gift Card is registered with an available balance, it will be ready for use at a Superstore.

  3. Virtual Gift Cards can be purchased by following the instructions on Our Website.  You will need to accept these terms and conditions before You are given the option to enter Your payment details to purchase, register and top-up the virtual Gift Card.  Purchase of a virtual Gift Card will be deemed to have been received and accepted by Us at the time We send a confirmation to your nominated email address.  The virtual Gift Card will then be ready for use at a Superstore.

  4. When paying for goods or services at a Superstore using Your Gift Card, You will be required to select Campus&Co. Pay option on the kiosk screen available at the Superstore and follow the onscreen prompts to make Your payment using either Your physical Gift Card or Your virtual Gift Card, whichever is applicable.

  5. You must purchase or top-up a Gift Card using Your nominated credit, charge card, or debit card (“Payment Card”), via the secure third-party payment gateway provider, which is linked to Our Website.  You authorise Us or Our third-party payment gateway provider to debit Your nominated Payment Card.  If Your nominated Payment Card is declined by Your financial institution, We will not be required to fulfil your purchase and may contact You to make alternative payment.  We will not be liable to You for any loss or damages, for transactions conducted via the third-party payment provider.

  6. We reserve the right to charge an additional surcharge, imposed by card companies and banks, onto You.

  7. Your Gift Card is not a cash substitute.  Gift Cards cannot be redeemed for cash, returned for a refund, or used for online purchases at this time.  Gift Cards cannot be used for cash equivalent transactions (such as purchase of other non Campus&Co. Pay Gift Cards, bill payments, purchase of financial products or foreign currency, or such other transactions).  We may in Our sole discretion elect to cancel a Gift Card or block such a transaction if You attempt to do so.

  8. If You have more than one Gift Card, You can either use one or more of Your Gift Cards for a single transaction at the Superstore, or You also have the option to consolidate all Your Gift Cards into one Gift Card by following the instructions provided on Our Website.

  9. Gift Cards cannot be returned or refunded, except in accordance with your statutory rights.

  10. If You are contracting with Us as a consumer online, You have the right to cancel all or part of Your order for a Gift Card at any time up to 14 calendar days after the day on which You place Your order, provided none of the balance has been spent.

  11. Each Gift Card will be valid for a specified period of time and will therefore have an expiry date, which date will be calculated from the date of issue.  The expiry date will be available to view on Our Website under Your Gift Card profile.  Please check the expiry date on Your Gift Card as soon as You have activated it.

  12. On or before the date your Gift Card expires, You will have the option to top-up the Gift Card and can do this on Our Website by following the instructions provided.  Each time You top-up your Gift Card, the expiry date will be extended for a further period.  Similar to the purchase of a Gift Card, in order to top-up Your Gift Card, You can do this by topping-up using Your Payment Card, via the secure third-party payment gateway provider on Our Website.  You authorise Us or Our third-party payment gateway provider to debit Your nominated Payment Card during each top-up.  If Your nominated Payment Card is declined by Your financial institution, We will not be required to fulfil your top-up and may contact You to make alternative payment.  We will not be liable to You for any loss or damages, for transactions conducted via the third-party payment provider.

  13. If your Gift Card expires with an unused value, You will have no right to receive a refund of any such unused value and the unused value will become Our property immediately following the expiry date unless You top-up as required under these terms and conditions or We elect otherwise.

  14. Keep Your Gift Card secure and treat it as You would treat cash, as anyone in possession of the Gift Card can use its value to make purchases at a Superstore.  You acknowledge and agree that any delay or failure to report a lost or stolen card to Us may result in Your Gift Card being used without Your consent.  If Your Gift Card is lost or stolen, or You suspect an unauthorised transaction, You must immediately report this by emailing Us on

  15. We may at Our discretion issue You a replacement Gift Card in certain circumstances.  Any replacement Gift Card will have the same unused value of the original Gift Card (at the time of replacement) and expiry date.  You must provide evidence of Your Gift Card purchase by emailing a copy of Your receipt to  If requested by You, We will take reasonable steps to cancel any Gift Card reported lost or stolen after being notified of that fact.  We will not be liable to replace or reimburse You for any funds on lost or stolen Gift Cards that have been used for unauthorised transactions.

  16. You may be charged an amount at Our discretion for any replacement Gift Card issued as a consequence of a damaged, lost, or stolen Gift Card, which will be deducted from the balance of the replacement Gift Card.  If You lose, damage or report stolen Your physical Gift Card, the replacement Gift Card will be a virtual Gift Card, and will be registered and activated under Your user profile on Our Website.  We will not replace a physical Gift Card with another physical Gift Card.
  17. Gift Cards will be void, if they are defaced, mutilated, altered, or tampered with in any way.  We may subject Gift Cards to verification and security checks in Our absolute discretion. We reserve the right to refuse to accept a Gift Card which we deem to be tampered with, duplicated or which otherwise is suspected to be affected by fraud.

  18. Our Gift Cards are not legal tender, Account cards, credit cards or debit cards or securities.  If You have used Your Gift Card to purchase goods or services at a Superstore, and for whatever reason, which shall be discussed between You and the Superstore, You seek a refund, provided the Superstore has approved the refund and paid to Us the value to be refunded, any such refund shall be made by Us either directly onto Your current Gift Card or a new virtual Gift Card, which will be registered and activated under Your user profile on Our Website.

  19. If You are using a Gift Card and the total order value is less than the value of the Gift Card, any balance will remain on the Gift Card and may be applied to future purchases, or You may choose to top-up Your Gift Card, provided that the Gift Card has not expired.

  20. Where goods You have purchased with a Gift Card are subsequently exchanged for goods of a lower price or returned, monies owing will either be refunded to Your Gift Card, or put onto a new virtual Gift Card, provided the Superstore has approved the refund and paid to Us the value to be refunded.

  21. We will not be liable for the availability, quality, or fitness for purpose of any goods or services purchased at a Superstore with a Gift Card.  Any dispute about goods or services purchased at a Superstore with a Gift Card, including any mistaken transaction, must be resolved with the respective Superstore where the original transaction was completed.

  22. Except for rights which cannot be excluded, any conditions or warranties implied or imposed by legislation or otherwise are excluded from these conditions of use.  To the extent permitted by law, Our liability in all circumstances is limited to replacing faulty physical and virtual Gift Cards. This does not affect Your statutory rights as a consumer under any applicable law. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit Our liability for death or personal injury resulting from Our negligence or that of Our servants, agents or employees.

  23. Redemption of Gift Cards is dependent upon a number of third-party arrangements, including the availability of a Superstore’s point of sale systems, and may include online platforms and service providers.  These systems may not be available at all times, and this may mean that You are not able to redeem a Gift Card when these systems are unavailable.  We will not be responsible for these systems, and will not be liable for, any loss or damage caused by these systems being unavailable.  These types of issues must be resolved between You and the Superstore where the original transaction was completed by You.

  24. We are obliged to make payment in relation to the Gift Card only when it is used to make a purchase and there is sufficient unused value to make either full or part payment of that purchase.  We have the right to retain any interest earned, if applicable, on unused value.

  25. The Gift Card remains Our property.  The Gift Card may not be copied or reproduced in any circumstances.  On expiry, or once the value is exhausted, and You choose not to top-up the Gift Card, You may return Your Gift Card to Us or destroy Your Gift Card after use, or if You have a virtual Gift Card, You may delete any links, emails or electronic copies related to the Gift Card.

  26. You cannot on sell Your Gift Card or assign any of Your rights or obligations under these terms and conditions.  We may assign any of Our rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to any other person or business, subject to such party assuming Our obligations under these terms and conditions.

  27. Without limiting any other terms, You agree to indemnify Us for any breach of these terms and conditions and further acknowledge and agree that You have no rights, title or interest in Our name, trademarks or logos.

  28. If You have a query or complaint about the Gift Card, please contact Us by submitting a request to our email at

  29. In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 2020, We may collect personal information from You.  We may collect Gift Card transaction information, including the name of the Superstore and cost of each transaction.  This information is not linked to the user of a Our Gift Card, except for when we reasonably suspect fraud. We may also collect information, which includes but is not limited to first and last name, email address, postal and billing address.

  30. We may share personal information with Our service providers to enable the purchase, processing, and delivery of Gift Cards.  In connection with Our operation of the Gift Cards, We may also share Your information with relevant third parties that (a): facilitate transactions investigation and assist with identification or suspicious or fraudulent transactions; (b) are Our outsourced service providers (for example, data switches); (c) are regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement bodies and courts; or (d) are participants in the payment system and other financial institutions for the purpose of resolving disputes, errors or other matters arising from Your use of Your Gift Card.  

  31. Details of Our Privacy Policy, including how We may treat Your personal information, can be found on Our Website.  You acknowledge and agree that by providing Us with any personal or proprietary user information through the Website or by any other means, You consent to the transmission of such personal or proprietary user information to Us and relevant third parties, as necessary, for processing and activating Your purchase.

  32. Our Privacy Policy applies to all interactions with Our Website, and all other related sites and services operated and provided by Us.

  33. We may change, add to, or delete any of these terms and conditions at any time (including to introduce new fees).  If We make any such change, We will publish it on Our Website no later than the date when the changes take effect, unless relevant law requests more advance notice to be provided to You, and Your continued use of Our Gift Cards will be deemed as acceptance of any change.

  34. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to exclude, restrict, or modify Your rights under any applicable consumer law in the country in which You purchased Your Gift Card.

  35. If any part of the terms and conditions is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from the terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of the terms and conditions.

  36. No waiver by Us shall be construed as a waiver of any proceeding or succeeding breach of any provision.

  37. Each provision of these terms and conditions shall be construed as separately applying and surviving even if for any reason one or other of those provisions is held to be inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances.